Thursday 19th February 2015 – Warburton Ride

On this ride we had eight riders who started from Woori Yallock at 9.30am. There was also an additional rider who planned to ride to Mt Donna Buang and back to Woori Yallock. The Warburton bike trail was fairly quiet, as there were no other riders or walkers to distract us which made for an extra enjoyable ride. It was a warm day as the temperature was expected to reach close to 30 degrees.

Our first stop was at Yarra Junction where we stopped for a drink and if required make use of the toilets nearby.

After our rest, we rode on to Warburton where we found a lovely cafe with a back porch that looked over the Yarra river nearby.  We had a lovely morning tea.

Getting ready to order around the very sturdy wooden table_WS The porch area at the back of the cafe _ S


One of our riders enjoyed a chocolate indulgence.

Vals delicious chocolate dessert at the river view cafe_S

The rider who rode from Woori Yallock to Mt Donna Buang also joined for a coffee on his way back from Mt Donna Buang.

After that enjoyable rest and nourishment, we left Warburton and started our ride back 17 km to the carpark at Woori  Yallock. Our group split into two groups and some of the faster riders got a fair way ahead of us.  The remaining slower riders rode back close by each other.

After some time the faster riders ahead of us decided to phone to ask if we were ok, as they were concerned we hadn’t caught up to them. When we advised them that one of our riders had broken two spokes and his wheel had buckled we decided to ask the rider who had gone from Woori Yallock to Mt Donna Buang and back to Woori Yallock if he could drive and pick up our rider with the buckled wheel, who was approx 9Km from Warburton on the rail trail. By the time we all reached Woori Yallock they had arrived back at the carpark waiting for us.

A little bit of excitement but all in all another great ride .

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